Okay Rhi-Rhi was recently spotted styling this Wonderal "Little Black Dress" recently and she wasn't wearing any panties. I may be the odd ball but I think it's nothing wrong with it. *Go Rhi* I admit I've gone without underwear from time to time but it all depends on the fit and situation. Going to gathering or work etc. is a No-No. But in Rhi-Rhi's case, her dress has no place for undies so she went without. I'd do the same if my outfit was see thru or would show my panties. I'd say to hell with them. Now sometimes a thong could help but then again sometimes it won't make the cut. Plus ((Men L%ve it when you're Panty-LESS)) Well atleast my man does. When doing so you have to be cautious and classy and make sure you don't show the world your Goodies. Others don't want a peep show. And I know every lady has been to her Boo's with Stillettoes and a trench coat before. LOL you little Freaks. (2222) 

that dress is BAD! LOVE IT!
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